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Faded lettering on keypad...


Faded lettering on keypad...

Hi sorry

I know this is unrelated to the "clicking hard drive" problem.
My keyboard lettering also faded really quickly on some keys - most annoying - it's the only keyboard I've ever owned this has happened with.

I spoke to sony when my laptop was just 3/4 weeks old and they said they would only consider this as "normal wear & Tear"

Maybe they should buck their ideas up - I can understand everyone's frustration having problems with such expensive kit; especially whilst new ...

Good On you Carelino for seeing through this complaint - Companys get away with fobbing people off to often whilst consumers are well within their rights.



Welcome to the forum X
umm that's not a kiss.
Got some viva la revolution reading for you. Get onto adam dorrell and mention the Tony Beard keyboard case on Club Vaio and he should do the right thing again by you too. I spoke to him personally when I really got annoyed and postedthis after being overseas and getting back to promices of a keyboard replacement. Some of the theories being bandied about Sony are the keys grey out because of nail vanish and sweat. ........nah just rubbish otherwise everybodies keys would be gone. It's just a bad uncured batch again


Hello Tony ;0) [and why not a kiss? LoL]

Thank you I most certainly shall - the left key on my touchpad is also worn looking and shabby, frankly it's not quality is it?

Hee hee are we sad or what? ...

Not would like to justify the higher price tag we have paid for our Vaio's and deserve top quality for the top price paid! Especially seeing how Sony like to market these notebooks as beeing holly-ier than thou.

[Sony I would like a new M, O, D, Shift, Tab and End keys; a Backspace key and a new left touchpad key - Please - Yeah and by post too - I can't be without my internet access.....]

Lets face it there bits of plastic and surely cheap enough.....

Totally agree Thea. Sony customer support on this issue is appalling and I will not be buying another Vaio because of it.....

Sorry to hear that bud. It usually differs by usage but I'm not sure if the letters really fades quickly for this unit. From my experience I know quite a few which letters are still unfaded.

Good luck on this.