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I'm wondering if there's any way to update the video driver for the 7400Go of my Fe11S.
The last posted by Sony is a 2006 driver (what a great support, Sony!), and I have many issues, mainly with the Adobe CS4 suite using a dual monitor configuration.
Any idea?
Thank you
Hi ocatarineta,
At your own risk you could try using a driver from LaptopVideo2Go, use the following link to view the list of drivers: LaptopVideo2Go
You will need to install a modded .inf, click the following for more info on: What is a modded INF?
Thank you for the suggestion,
I already tried this way but it's not 100% functional: es. you loose brightness control.
You're welcome, unfortunately that's the best we can offer as it's unlikely that Sony will release an update for your Vaio..
it's unlikely that Sony will release an update for your Vaio..
I think the driver version 174.74 was the last version to be customised for Vaio Go 7400 and installs without a modified .inf - direct from an .exe file.[]=xp
You will have to copy and paste the whole link to go direct to the correct page.
May be worth a try?
thank you for the tip.
I did already try this, following what found here:
Unfortunately this doesn't work on my laptop (maybe I miss something).
I'm wondering why Sony continues to make users not to be able to use generic drivers, since drivers support from sony is so poor...
Thank you again!!!