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FE41E Vista Screen res changing


FE41E Vista Screen res changing

My new Vista FE41e has a couple of annoying issues. The screen res changes intermittently when I close the lid and then restart. Also MyClub Vaio runs and eventually hangs without completing its update.
Anyone else had these problems and know of a fix?

I would have searched this forum , but the search doesn't appear to work!



...For the other problem with the screen resolution: there is already an updated driver available on the site.
Check "updates" and you'll be fine.

Where is this update ?

It is the System BIOS update and you can find it HERE



Yeah. I got my FE41S for the hardware - not Vista. Though I was curious/excited to use the new OS.

Now, after a few weeks using Vista, I've noticed there are a few problems that get in the way of what I'm trying to do. File copying/moving leaves empty directories here and there, I don't really like the windows explorer new style, the wireless didn't work properly after resuming from hiber/sleep/shutdown, the account control thing is stupid (i know you can turn it off), the hardware requirements are vast (OK on the FE41S though). Stuff like that. Nothing really awesome to keep you there.

So I conclude that Vista adds another subtle abstraction layer between you and what's actually occuring on your machine. Good for newbies, bad for experienced users. There's also lots of minor bugs and glitches; natural at this early stage of a newly released OS. So for me, XP SP2 keeps you closer to the action, is more stable and just works properly. Vista isn't for me yet.

To get me back to XP, I needed to download all the FE31 drivers/utils. I needed the FE41S bluetooth drivers (from the Vaio Link site) to install Bluetooth properly. It wouldn't work from the FE31 stuff. I haven't even bothered with the camera - so I don't know about that. But everything else works great. And it's fast. Really fast.


My new Vista FE41e has a couple of annoying issues. The screen res changes intermittently when I close the lid and then restart. Also MyClub Vaio runs and eventually hangs without completing its update.
Anyone else had these problems and know of a fix?

I would have searched this forum , but the search doesn't appear to work!


Had the same problem, I had a couple of things done and now its gone. One of the things was couriosly pressing the function key with the magnifiing glass located on F10. It changes the resolution to 1024 pressing again changes back to 1280.
I also installed a VPN client from Cisco but as far as I know there shouldnt be a connection between the VPN client and the resolution, so if anyone has the same problem he maybe wannts to try the FN+F10 combination. My BIOS is the 0200J3, I updated it two days ago, and the res change error was still there.


Temp fix for this problem peps... Put the computer to sleep before you close the lid.. It should wake up okay.. hope this works.!


Temp fix for this problem peps... Put the computer to sleep before you close the lid.. It should wake up okay.. hope this works.!


Have the same problem with my new FE41S. Putting it to sleep before closing lid sometimes works, but sometimes doesn't - seems to depend on how long you leave it?!

Any word back from Sony on this - it's a bit annoying -

- like My Club Vaio booting up 5 minutes into startup (I've seen the thread and will give the suggestions a go)

- like the new buzzing noise that appeared yesterday and went away when I changed the brightness to max - only seems to happen when it's not plugged in - what's that all about :slight_smile:

Any help appreciated


Sorry for my english , i'm french.
I have a VAIO FE41M, and same pb than Paul_k and many other...
"Screen resolution is set correctly, but if I close the lid, when I open it again and press the power button, the screen resolution changes. I then have to go and set the correct resolution again."
No solution for the moment nowhere....

I've escalated this problem.

Hopefully we will get an answer - there is obviously a fault in the nVidia driver.


I've escalated again..

HI all,

Sony are hoping to release a fix for the screen resolution issue soon.. :slight_smile:


HI all,

Sony are hoping to release a fix for the screen resolution issue soon.. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sorting this :slight_smile:
