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FZ11 series XP Downgrade SOLVED Sigmatel Headphone problem.


FZ11 series XP Downgrade SOLVED Sigmatel Headphone problem.

Finally cracked the problem of the built in speakers not turning off when plugging in headphones. Heres how I did it.

1. First installed the original Vista drivers using the update drivers wizard in device manager. Now this doesn't work as it cannot start the driver (code 10 in the error log).
2. I then checked the registry key for the driver which is:


Check your registry and you should have the same key. I then navigated to 0015\Settings\pin, within this key, and exported it to pin.reg.

3. Installed a version of the Sigmatel driver I knew worked although headphone issue. Ver 5.10.5067. This was obtained from the FZ19VN XP downgrade.

4. Imported the Pin.reg and rebooted laptop.

This sounds simple but is a result of a lot of time and research, If you don't want to do the above just install the 5.10.5067 drivers and import the pin.reg file listed below.

Please post your results if this also works for you. Only thing left is the S AV and Brightness controls as these are still not working.


Hi SIMON5080.

Thank you for posting this solution. It has been quite a common problem and this will help many others.

Thanks for adding the pin.reg!!!!



Thanks, SIMON5080

In my Vaio VGN-FZ11M the key is:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0026 \Settings\pin]



Thanks, SIMON5080

In my Vaio VGN-FZ11M the key is:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0026 \Settings\pin]


My Vaio is the FZ11L so it looks like the key maybe in a slightly different place than the one I posted. I take it you managed to edit the pin.reg to point to the new place?

Hope this fix works on others though.


Within Class, search “pin” and appeared only this.

It works



Works great, thanks! :slight_smile:


well if you use the fz11n XP downgrade drivers then you will not have ANY problems at all


Finally cracked the problem of the built in speakers not turning off when plugging in headphones.  Heres how I did it.

1. First installed the original Vista drivers using the update drivers wizard in device manager. Now this doesn't work as it cannot start the driver (code 10 in the error log).
2. I then checked the registry key for the driver which is:


Check your registry and you should have the same key. I then navigated to 0015\Settings\pin, within this key, and exported it to pin.reg.

3. Installed a version of the Sigmatel driver I knew worked although headphone issue. Ver 5.10.5067. This was obtained from the FZ19VN XP downgrade.

4. Imported the Pin.reg and rebooted laptop.

This sounds simple but is a result of a lot of time and research, If you don't want to do the above just install the 5.10.5067 drivers and import the pin.reg file listed below.

Please post your results if this also works for you. Only thing left is the S AV and Brightness controls as these are still not working.

Dear Simon,
Many thanks, your hard work also worked OK on my VGN-AR51M, thanks again

I am down to only one problem, which I do not worry to much about.
That is FN Screen Control.

I have (Keystroke) software that works my EJECT, but it would be nice to get the Sony EJECT button to function, if not I,ll stick with the (Keystroke).

Best Regards,



Thanks so much SIMON5080. This worked like a dream on my AR51M; the only tiny difference being that pin was in 0017 (just so people know). Thanks again; truly ingenious work!


Please post your results if this also works for you. Only thing left is the S AV and Brightness controls as these are still not working.

Dear Simon,
Worked great Thanks again

This chap Terry has also been a great help with this FN EJECT S1 & S2 Problem
Please go here

Use the second one down
The New improved Version 2, washes whiter - guaranteed Version.

It worked great for me, at first I was not sure if the S1 & S2 Keys were working,
I then downloaded the AR51 Manual, because you loose it when you downgrade, this made me realise that I had not installed the Vaio Control Centre.
After reading the Manual and installing the Vaio Control Centre everything worked a 100%, I used the AR21M Vaio Control Centre from their utils.

I'm sure Simon, because of your knowledge, you wont have a problem with this task.
Because a couple of AR51 owners have found this procedure slightly complicated, and I'm not sure of how much others will be confident in carrying out this task if it does not look simple enough for you then I can simplify it

Please don't take offence I had to do it twice before I did it without making a mistake

Best Regards,
