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Graphic problem


Graphic problem


Once again i'm in trouble, and i count on you to get me out of this situation...
When i play several games, like recent ones, objects like characters, vehicles are pink coloured...Kinda graphic card problem i guess.
Could anyone please help me to get rid of that problem?

My config:
512mo ddr
ATI radeon IGP 345M


what games are you playing exactly?

Assuming that your gfx card is 64mb,but integrated, you will certainly have problems playing newer games with this card as i dont think it supports newer versions of direct x and some other graphical features that new games employ.

Updating the drivers would be an idea but i dont think sony has released any yet..

Wait for the other guys to give u their opinion though in a bit


Battlefield vietnam is the game i had trouble with..actually it is supposed to be a 128mb video card.Am i wrong?


hmmm, thats a pretty demanding game that requries a directx9 compliant gfx card..which could be causing the problems..

with relation to your gfx card and memory, right click on your desktop and go to properties, settings,advanced and find your gfx card settings and hence its memory.

im almost sure, that the integrated cards come with a standard 64mb of memory which is then adjustable at the cost of ram.
However, i have seen just 1 model which came preloaded with 128mb of video memory..

If you do discover u only have 64mb, you should go to the bios and startup and you should be able to altenate your memory settings though i would i advice you to get more ram though..

Furthermore, this integrated gfx card is not really a gaming card..i have the model up in sony's line, the ATI Mobility 9200 and that card struggles with games..


Games are a complete pain when you're playing on a Sony. I've had a similar problem with America's Army, and the troubleshooting process goes like this:
"I have problems with texture colours, what might the trouble be?"
"Upgrade DirexctX, check your system specs, update your graphics card driver"
"I can't update my driver there are no updates. Everything else is fine"
"Well until you update your driver we can't help you"
"But what if its not my driver?"
"Maybe its not we cant help you until you update your driver"
And so on into the night. Long story short Sony mostly don't bother with graphics card updates, and since most of these problems are solved with updates or include an update as necessary there is usually little you can do.
For my $0.02, memory has little to do with rendering aside from speed and efficiency, especially if apart from the texture colours you can run the game fine. More or less everything else comes with features of the graphics card (yknow fancy lighting and stuff) and the drivers, so my feeling is that its either a game bug or problem with the driver. Check for updated drivers and hassle Sony if there aren't any.


thanks for the advices guys
I'll do whatever is possible to get that fixed!
By the way, how can i get to bios?when i hit del while restarting, seems it doesn't work.


Press F8 I think. If in doubt do as I do, run your finger up and down the F keys until something happens lol. It's always one of them.

I thought it was F2


I guess it depends on the Bios. I always do the all-Fkeys finger-run trick anyway so I don't pay attention. You're probably right.

Hehe I do that on a new system too.