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Hello to everyone,
I wander if I could (temporary) replace my SATA harddisk with an ATA drive I have. Just to try a couple of things out with Mac.
I could just try it, i know, but I don't want to unnecessarily void my warranty by scratching the screws and such...
Does anybody know if this is possible?
ATA (or IDE Drives) have completely different connectors to SATA and the drives are NOT interchangeable.
thanks a bunch for replying man.
I do believe you can get a converter - <a href=";jsessionid=1544fc3e0e79c5a/shopdata/0120_PCI+Cards/0040_S-ATA++Cards/product_details.shopscript?article=0060_IDE%2BChannel%2Bto%2BSATA%2BBus%2BDevice%2BConverter%2B%3D282xSATA%2Bconnections%3D29%2B%3D28SABR2000HV%3D29" target="_blank"><span style="color: skyblue"><u><b>see this</u></b></span></a>
Dont bother with a converter,they will cost you half as much as a new drive.
This thing costs 16 pounds!
Thanks for the hint Kee-Lo, didn't know these things existed at all!
Yeah it's not that cheap, but handy if you need it