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Having to boot-up twice


Having to boot-up twice

Hi All,

I've just purchased a FS285E which I've had for a week now, but the past couple of days I've noticed that on booting-up I get the Vaio logo screen, then a resuming windows with a bar along the bottom and then it shows a blue wallpaper with Vaio on but after that it turns off :thinking: . If I turn it on again it boots up fine.

I've also noticed that it takes a while to shut down. Once I click Start and Shutdown it hangs on my besktop screen for a couple of minutes then shutsdown.

Does anybody know why this is happening?
Best regards,


This bar at the bottom of the screen is part of a saved Windows session, called a hibernate file.

Its purpose is to quickly reload WIndows back into memory from the saved image on the hard disk, and it can be as many as 5 times faster to start.

I have a feeling this file has become corrupted for some reason. When you start your computer, as the Resuming Windows bar appears, quickly press F8 a few times.

You now have two options.

Delete System Restore Data and Proceed to Boot Menu
Continue Starting Windows.

Select the option to delete the hibernate file and start Windows the slow way. You should now be able to use WIndows properly.

Chances are this could have happened when the computer was not used in a long time or the battery was very low. Both of these conditions generate a hibernate file.


Hi James,

Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure why but when I went to try your suggestion the laptop started up fine and has done since. I'm starting to think all electrical equipment are out to get me! I'll keep your advice in mind incase it happens again.

Thanks again,