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Hi from Italy- a few question about Vaio Pocket


Hi from Italy- a few question about Vaio Pocket

Hi everybody, I'm Max from Italy.

I just bought my new Sony Vaio Pocket 20 Gb. I love it, even if there're a few things that disapointed me.

1) Documentation is poor - inside the box there's just a quick (very quick ) start guide and no electronic documentation concerning Vaio Pocket (I found just Sonic stage documentation)

2) I wish I could upload directly MP3 files.The transfer with conversion's really too slow.

3) Would somebody please explain how to use the remote control? Switches work properly, but the display is always off. How can I turn it on?

4) I didn't find it out how to create my playlists directly on vaio pocket (I'd like to create album playlists).

Anyhow....I like it!



You can't turn off the remote control its always on i think maybe its a problem with your vaio.

If you want to tranfer mp3 to your vaio you have to install the firmware update.

I hope i have help you

Yes, Vaio Pocket its the best!!!:smileygrin:

The hardware documentation is in a PDF file on the CD that came with the Vaio Pocket. This is usual for hardware nowadays..