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Can anyone tell me how to attach covers to single tracks?
Everytime I tried to do that it either didn't work at all or all non-album songs on my vp suddenly got the same cover assigned.
I figured that creating pseudo-albums might help me solve this problem, however, I'm still hoping that there's a more simple and elegant method.
Can anybody help me?
Hi, If you view all tracks at once, play the tune you want to assign cover art to, have the folder open you have the cover art in, simply drag the image you want to the box with the spinning cover.
btw 300 X 300 pixel images are a good size to use.
Hi, If you view all tracks at once, play the tune you want to assign cover art to, have the folder open you have the cover art in, simply drag the image you want to the box with the spinning cover.
btw 300 X 300 pixel images are a good size to use.
Ahh, I was doing it in SS, mayby you will have to update SS first and then re-transfer.
I had the same problem.
What I've done, was a silly thing, but at least it worked. I changed the ID3Tag of each track and changed the name of the album to the name of the track. In this way, SS thinks that they are different albums, but just 1 song in each. Then it's easy to asign a cover for each one.
If someone knows a better way, please let us know.
you can use musicmatch jukebox to do that its really fast and very user-friendly...
i think tagscanner does it too but mjuk. is alot better!!!
you can download it free i think...