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how can i restore my vaio to its factory setting


how can i restore my vaio to its factory setting

Ok got this new vaio laptop


decided to create a recovery disk, then format the hard disk and install vista ultimate, but i deleted the partition with the recovery data on it, is there any way i can rebuild my hard drive to orginal setting?


although i have got the laptop working, i was hoping a recovery disk or something could be supplied to fix these types of problems.

any advice would be welcomed.

if anyone has done the same as me and deleted the partition with the recovery data on by accident and have since resolved this issue, please do help.


Hi Tezz and welcome to Club Vaio.

If you have made the Recovery DVDs, you can boot from the first System Disc and return your Vaio to its original configuration.

If you have not made Recovery Discs or they are corrupt, you will need to purchase a set of Recovery Discs from Sony. I think they cost about 30€.

It is certainly a very good idea to make at least two sets of Recovery DVDs and to test they work before taking the drastic step of removing the Recovery Partition.




I did make a set of recovery disks, but they wont let me restore to factory, but will let me get the drivers and programs.

i'll try again and see if i can get it to work.

it seems its only the motion eye camera i cant get working. no great loss.


I bought a vaio fe41M about half a year ago and installed a new vista in another language on it instead of the preinstalled. I had help to this but the person helping me forgot to do a recovery disk or at least it has been deleted in the mean time.
My vaio now shuts down now and then to a blue error screen, we can't locate the error and therefore needs to re-install the entire thing once again.
How and where can I buy this recovery cd from sony? Can I do that at sony-store?

Hi m.hedegaard and welcome.

You will need to contact Sony Vaio-Link Support to purchase a duplicate set of Recovery Discs. They will cost about 30€.

Before you do that, check to see if your Recovery Partition is intact: -

1. Attach to the mains Power Adapter. Turn on your Vaio
2. At the first screen showing the Vaio Logo, tap F10 repeatedly

This should start the Recovery.



Hi, sorry if I'm introducing in your discussion and for my english, but I have the same problems :smileyblush:
I want to restore the original factory's drivers on my AR 31S but when I use F10 the program asks me what tipe of restore I want and gives me three options, what choice?
Please help me ! Could you explain to me all the passage of the procedure at full
Thank you for all :slight_smile:

Hi docsara,

Normally selecting C Drive recovery recommended will be all that's needed..

Here is an E-tutorial that may be of interest.. :wink: