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How to preserve battery life in laptops?

How to preserve battery life in laptops?

I have noticed that a battery life of a laptop decreases by around 50% in the first year, and then so on.
A battery life of my very first laptop went down from 2 hours to just under 4 minutes in a matter of 3 years. I wouldn't want this to happend to my new sony laptop.

What can I do to preserve the battery life?


I have realised that I have to uncrew the cover to get to the battery in my laptop therefore removing it is not an opption.

I also have an sheet battery for it, which I havent used yet, and I dont really need to use for another 4-6 months untill I go traveling. Should I be using it or shall I keep it unused untill I need it?

If we go back a decade, laptop batteries were for lack of the word "mean." The battery technology was so-so and some laptops had less than stellar battery management. All the current Hp, Dell, Apple and names have pretty good management.

We use a lot of laptops at the office. I can't imagine trying to remove a battery when we could, or not leaving it on AC for a year.

We've done all that and more. Yet we see batteries hang in till the 3rd year. Not long ago it was in year 2.

I'm sure someone will post with details on charging it, remove it so you run on AC or even deep discharges. Your choice to work hard.


The truth is a poor exscuse for lack of imagination

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