Share your experience!
I don't speak english very well, so I'll try to explain what the problem is in my little words, anyway!
I was working with my vaio, and don't know why it become dark, i noted that still works and i connect it to an external monitor, and its allright, i think it is a ilumination problem.
I gonna know if is it possible to repair or not. What can i do? I have this notebook for three years ago, any advices? I need it for work.
thank you very much
thank you
Hi anrroma
Sounds like it could be an inverter problem, It may be worth taking your Vaio to a local repairer and get them to check it's not just a wiring problem and also get a quote before you decide on a repair..
If your Vaio needs a repair you can also contact Vaio link for a quote..
Hi anrroma
Sounds like it could be an inverter problem, It may be worth taking your Vaio to a local repairer and get them to check it's not just a wiring problem and also get a quote before you decide on a repair..
If your Vaio needs a repair you can also contact Vaio link for a quote..
Hi anrroma,
I would still get your vaio checked as it could quite easily be a loose connection..
An inverter produces the energy required to light the Fluorescent tube..
See this guide for an example of what a inverter looks like..