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The new SS3 Suck !!!!!!!!
I cannot put any new song in the pocket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have 5000 song in the pocket.........
Sony help???????????????????????
If not I am going to buy a ipod........but you dont mind?
I'm sad to say that it happened the same to me. I had to format de VP after upgrading to SS 3.0. It's something that still hurts me when i remember it...
I hope you have more luck.
I tried to back up the VP content to a hard disk, back up the library, go back to previous SS versions... nothing worked....
ss3 is not supposed to be used ny european users,thats what i have come up to after all the things said in the forum.
to completely get rid of the whole package of ss3 you will have to delete all files of it and then clean the registry,which is very frustrating and could also turn out not to be enough.
i wouldnt know what to do if that happened to me thats why i didnt upgrade in the first place!