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Hello, I've just recently purchased my Vaio notebook and I love it but it has Windows XP not Vista and I was just wondering is it essential to have Vista or not as I'm very happy with what I've got at the moment?
As the candle in Disneys Beauty And The Beast says...
"If it ain't Baroque then don't fix it!"
Vista has some great new features but it also has a lot of problems at the moment. It will get better when Microsoft releases a service pack for it but that might not be for a while yet. If XP is working and you're happy with it then I'd stick with it.
Thanks for that I'll definitely stick with XP for the moment until I have to change cheers!
I wouldn't say it was essential, XP is still a very valid OS, and better than Vista imho.
I thought so I've had no problems with XP but I've heard a lot of horror stories from my friends and colleagues about Vista so I think I will resist Vista for a long time until its more stable and reliable.