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Lid scratches


Lid scratches

Hi eveyone,
I bought a VGn-SR41m laptop 4 months ago. I'm very happy with its performance so far, however i have noticed that the laptop lid/cover is very prone to scratches; I travelled recently and i was keeping it in a laptop case, i didnt use it during my holiday but when i came back 2 weeks after, i noticed some bad scratches on the lid surface. the only item i had in my laptop case besides the laptop is a book. I'm not sure how i got these scratches but I'm in desperate need to know how can i get rid of them. I heard of scratch removers but im not sure how efficient they are. Can anyone please let me know which scratch remover is the best or if lid replecement is an option in this case, and how much would it cost. Any help is much appreciated !!!