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I bought a VGN-AR11S and it looks fine,but I cannot find a programm or instructions how to make a Blue Ray disk that can be played on a standard home Blue Ray player.I assume that such a disk must have a simular setup as a DVD disk with subdirectories etc.Any help will be apreciated.Arthur
Hi Arthur,
Welcome to Club Vaio,
I am afraid I've not tried the new blue ray technology yet, but according to the specs your AR11s should have Roxio DigitalMedia SE 7, does this not allow you to burn Blue Ray media...:smileyconfused:
Maybe someone else will know more...:smileyconfused:
Hi Thalamus.Tnks for your reply,
Sonics programm can only be used for audio as far as I understand.
Kind regards
Hi Arthur,
Yes Sonic Stage is usually for music but are you able to burn Blue Ray media with Roxio DigitalMedia SE 7... has a nice forum, maybe someone there can help you, as we don't really know much about it as it's very new.
I believe are selling blu ray movies now
hallo Thalamus and Kee-Loo,
I was out for some days so could not answer earlier.
Actually the "problem"of burning a blue ray disc was no problem at all! On the notebook you will find the programm Ulead BD Discrecorder to burn and to play the disc there is the programm Intervideo WinDVBD for Vaio.To edit my video I used Pinnacle Plus V10.6 (=latest update);exported this video back to tape on my Sony HCE-1 and burned the video thereafter directly to disc with the Ulead BD Discrorder.Doing it this way there was no loss of details compaired to the original video.m2v file.
Making first a video.mpg 1920x1080 and burning this file to the disc gave some loss of details. I preferred Pinnacles studio plus because I am used to this programm and the solution on the notebook with Premiere ,dvgate etc. looked too complicated to me.
The only thing I have not solved at this moment is the making of a menu for the blue ray disc.
With kind regards
Hello Iamanga, can i ask how fast does your drive burn the BD disk, as i have found mine only burns at .5x speed and not the rated 1x speed, even with sony media, taking well over 3 hours to burn one 25gb disk!!!