May i remove my "show-off" stickers?


May i remove my "show-off" stickers?

The title explains most of my question.
So I want to know if i may remove the stickers and will my warranty and everything
else related to warranty be fine/ok/working/etc after the removal


(dont want to show off anymore :P)


I would wait for some advice from someone who has actully done it to an AR-Series. I have seen several posts where this has gone wrong and most members wish they had not tried it.

I believe it is difficult because of the Piano Black finish.

I personally leave mine on the Vaio but I can understand those who wish to remove them. This should not affect your warranty but any damage caused by removing them will not be covered.

Wait for someone to suggest a solvent that works without harming your Vaio.



I have taken the large blue stickers off of my AR21S with no problems, but have left the smaller stickers on


I think the Larger stickers, the Vaio stickers, while I have left mine on, are designed to easily come off with out leaving marks. THe smaller stickers are maybe supposed to permenant? But 1. it will not void your warranty, but any aesthetic damage caused by removal is obviously not covered as pointed out by Blencogo,



These stickers actually HAVE to be removed because they're only product ADVERTISEMENT, nothing more. It is always funny to watch those users who leave them on, usually for "showing off" but some even seem to believe that the stickers have to stay where they are. They DO NOT, you can remove them. A little trick if they don't go off completely and some glue residues are visible: take the partially removed sticker and stick it over the residues, removing it immediately after. The residues stick to the remaining glue on the removed sticker and they go away. Repeat this several times and all residues go away.

Even more funny is it, travelling to Disney World or other large amusement parks where a lot of people are hanging around with video cameras and digital cameras. Most of them still have their stickers on, this looks so pathetic.

I'm over 40 years old and I'm working in the IT industry, so you can believe me if I tell you that these stickers are just what they look alike: advertisement of the product features, nothing more. This is important for example if the product is exhibited somewhere in a shop or if the customer wants to hold it in his hands to look at it. A very clever idea but I never thought that some people can actually believe that these stickers have to stay on. Oh boy. :laughing:

Full HD with 1080 lines on a 900 lines screen? :thinking:


the full HD in this case refers to the HDMI output which is capable of outputting a full HD signal (i.e. 1080 lines)

I'd leave them there, that laptop has a beautiful grand piano wood finish and it's easily scratched.


I you follow my "instructions", nothing can be scratched. The only problem is actually lifting the first piece of the sticker, I would try this with a fingernail, nothing else (sharp tool like a knife, scissor...DO NOT USE THIS!). As soon as it starts to go off, you can safely remove it. If glue residue stays on the piano finish, remove it with the old sticker (it works!).


It all really depends if theyu bother you or not, I leave mine on just cos I don't care, they aren't for show, or advertisement as you would have to get quite close to read them and if you haven't noticed before you get that close that it's a Sony you had better go to the opticians. If you want them off take them off carefully and you should be ok :slight_smile: