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method of changing language of vista home premium?


method of changing language of vista home premium?

i have bought a sony sony viao laptop from italia and its model is VGN-FZ21E.In it vista home premium is preinstalled in italian language.I want to change its language to english.Tell me how can i do it?


Hi coolchap and welcome to Club Vaio.

Microsoft's licensing rules stop this being legally possible. I know this seems unreasonable but you need to purchase any computer with Vista in the language you are wanting to use. Some Vaios allow a choice at the first boot in some countries with multi-languages (like Switzerland) but this choice is a 'once only' choice.

Unfortunatelly, you have purchased the OEM license to use "Italian Vista HP" only. Vista Home Premium does not support a language change. Some small changes are possible through your Regional Settings.

You have two choices. Either upgrade to Vista Ultimate which does support various Languages or purchase a retail English version of Vista HP.



I had the option to chose an OS language during the first boot. Some days later I had to restore the C drive from Vaio Recovery Center (without using my recovery disks) due to a program installation failure and the language option came up again. Do you think that if coolchap tried to restore his C drive he might have the OS language option as well?

Hi sraikos,

It may be worth a try but I do wonder if English will be a preinstalled option on Italian Vaios.



Hi guys,
I live in Greece. The OS system language offered by pc manufacturers can be both Greek or English. But in some cases it is only the Greek version offered. That is denoted by the manufacturer: For example Windows Vista Home Premium GR/ EN or Windows Vista Home Premium GR. I guess that something similar can occur on Italian pcs, but that preinstalled Italian version thing doesn' t seem to be a very good sign to me as well I admit…As you said maybe a try is well worth it.

We have multiple language OS here in Portugal. :slight_smile:

We have multiple language OS here in Portugal.  :slight_smile:

Do you have the option to choose English on Vista home Premium models.. :thinking:


Hi luisarn,
When the manufacturer denotes OS Vista GR/ EN means that you have an option to install your OS in any language you want by choosing from a drop down list. English is the most used OS language in business and second most used among home users. The problem occurs when you have no option of choosing an OS language because your pc comes with the native language version of Windows preinstalled. In such a case the OS language is denoted by the manufacturer as Vista GR for example and you can’ t change it, but you know it before you buy it.