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PCV-RS502 LAN connection freezes


PCV-RS502 LAN connection freezes

I own a PCV-RS502. Everything seems fine, but I frequently get the same problem.
After some hours of uptime, my LAN connection freezes.:smileyconfused:
I've got 2 PC's connected to the Internet through an ADSL Router (configured via DHCP).
Whereas of of them is still able to view web pages, my VAIO can't. So I guess it comes from the computer.

I can still ping websites ang get responses, hear music through shoutcast, but my browser can't open any webpage (despite the two PCs get the same DNS from the ADSL modem) .
-I tried to reboot my ADSL router,
-I tried another browser (Firefox),
-I switched off my firewall,
-I tried to restart the windows network service,
it didn't work.
The only thing that works is to reboot the computer...:smileycry:

Can anyone help me ?


Netgear products are great.


Hi all !

I am connected to my router with a RJ45 wire. I use the built-in RJ45 port of my motherboard.
My computer is running XP home SP1a.

The problems I encounter are not wireless related, except that my router has this feature ; but I actually don't use it frequently because my computer and my router are very close.

Now I am *waiting*:smileytongue: for my problem to reappear.
I want to try putting IP addresses directly in my browser instead of names to check if it's a DNS problem.
Else I'll try to add another network card to my computer to determine where does the problem come form...

[Now two days since the last "crash".] Thank you for your help.:smileygrin:

NB : I know it's not the point here, but don't hesitate to correct my sentences, I would be glad to learn more about the english language.


"No news, good news..."
Common french proverb; probably dull, I know, but that could be the end of my issue. :smileygrin:

I didn't change any hardware since then, and only did minor changes among my software...

But everything is working fine since my last message.

Anyway, thanks for all your help :slight_smile:

Thats great news.