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do you think those pixels are dead? The laptop is just 4 days old. Any suggestions what to do? I tried a program for stuck pixels, but no result. Its not dust on the screen.
Message was edited by: allazar79
It is difficult to see exactly how many dead pixels you have.
You will find Sony's Pixel Policy by going to the Support Page for your model. Go here and sign into your model's support page by entering your model into the boxes on the right: -
Type PIXEL into the SEARCH box and the Faulty Pixels Policy will appear in the Troubleshooting list.
See if your situation exceeds the acceptable limit and if so, contact Vaio Support for a repair to be scheduled.
Sony Center York called me, and I went there to change my laptop. They sorted out the issue in less than 3 days. I hope, no more problems will occur.:smileyhappy:
Message was edited by: allazar79