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Please Help - Card bus thingy not working


Please Help - Card bus thingy not working

Hi experts !
I already have a Picturebook VPK which I love, but just bought a C1MGP from Ebay. When I bought it I noticed it had two versions on Winxp on two partitions and was asking me which to boot into when it started up. I connected the Vaio CD drive to it to install some software and it came us as unrecognised. I have two of these drives a DVD/CDwriter and CDrom both bootable. I then did a really silly thing and went to one of the partitions and manually deleted one of the windows folders .. When I rebooted it didnt start !!

I then tried to reinstall windows but it doesnt recognise any of the CD drives, but they work on my C1VPK as bootable. I put it as first thing in the bios too..But I think there is something wrong with my cardbus. Ive taken it apart and checked the pins but they look ok.

I have also taken my Hard drive from my thinkpad laptop (as this seemed easier than my C1 VPK) which has XP on it and put in into my vaio but it wont boot...

Please help me as im running out of ideas...

Can I use my other laptop to install it onto then swap as its a different make or......

Thanks Heidi xx