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POWER DRAIN on Vaio-pocket when powered OFF - READ READ!!


POWER DRAIN on Vaio-pocket when powered OFF - READ READ!!

I suppose that more vaio-pocket owners have noticed the strange power depletion problem with the device ? When you power it off and leave unused for 5 days, the battery is dead!! Then you have the nice job of starting initialisation again.

Also there's a humming sound inside the device when it's powered off.

I opened a call with Sony. They asked me to format the HD and fully charge,etc.... I showed my goodwill and tried all this, but no change. Then they came with the excuse that this power problem and noise when turning the device off is normal behaviour of the system :thinking: :thinking:

I then opened a formal complaint and requested them to solve this problem (if possible) by issuing a solution in the next firmware update. I feel that you need at least to have the choice to put the device in standby or real power down.

I think that if we want to have this problem solved we need to put some pressiure on Sony. So if all users who have problems with this so called "normal behavior",open a complaint , maybe Sony will do something about this :smileygrin:

The vaio-pocket is a wonderfull device and I'm really pleased with it, but this power drain problem needs to be sorted out. I payed big bucks for this thing and I want it work as it should be. It's like buying a car that leaks fuel all the time and the reseller tells you it's normal behaviour!!

Thanks a lot for reading !!



@ octhem !!!

I think u don´t know much about electronics....!?!
Let me give u an example:
-my SONY PSP is in the box since over 2 weeks (lack of time)
-just checked now the power of the system...and guess what???
-not more than 10 % discharge...and this over a time of 2 weeks!!!

The problem with the PocketVaio seems to be deeper....and i thinks SONY can´t do nothing about it.
It may be simply a electronicaly design of the bugs they may discover after the release....

Only thing that may help is to sell the PV and buy an iPod insted.



agreed! come on sony!!


Thanks to all for the comments. :smileygrin:

I have not the impression that Sony is really reading this Forum, or maybe they are not used to post replies? :cry:

What is the experience others have with this ? :thinking:

In the mean time still enjoying this fantastic machine, even if I need to re-charge it every 2-3 days and leave it in the cradle when not using it. :tongue:

I hope Sony really makes the effort to do something about this issue :devil:




the battery "drain" is normal:

when you charge the battery fully for at least 6 hours and it has a full charge, the battery level will continually decrease:

this is due to the fact that certain functions of the vaio pocket, like date and time, your history and other information is constantly using power, even if the vaio pocket is switched off.

typically, when you leave the vaio pocket switched off after a full charge for two days, you should the first battery symbol disappearing, which leaves STILL 75 % CHARGE.

i think sony should be hailed for making the battery symbol PRETTY ACCURATE and not, like many other devices, power on to a full battery status level after several days of non-usage and actual battery life then depleting within minutes...



I tend to dissagree with you about the fact that history and other data needs to be kept in memory all the time. For the clock I can understand that it's kept in mem., but the other data should be kept on the disc if you power the device off for several days.
I can understand the reason to keep this info in mem as long as the device is in standby, because nobody wants a device that take 3 min. to start by building his history and other data. On the other hand, if the data was written to disc, it can also be retrieved very fast at startup, and if only the clock/date is kept in mem it will not drain the battery that fast.

But like I keep on trying to make clear is the fact that I want to have the choice of putting the device in standby or relly power off. I hate keeping to repeat myself.

But if you are really happy with the battery life of your VP, do not reply to this post. I want to hear info from people who, like me, have a problem with the battery drain. and have Sony to do something about it. Should they bring out a fix for this, you are not obliged to install it if you don't have problems with it.

A little remark about the battery icon on the VP : you say "i think sony should be hailed for making the battery symbol PRETTY ACCURATE"
I dissagree again with you here. Try and leave the VP off for 2 days, then power it on --> will show 75% free, couple minutes later it will show 50% and again couple of min. later 25%. I do not call this PRETTY ACCURATE.

I hail Sony for making good devices with great looks. In fact almost every peace of Video/Hifi/other hardware I own is Sony. I think Sony ows me a fix for this problem as a valued customer.

Sorry for this long post, but I needed to say what I have to say :smileygrin:




Just out of interest, how many people do leave their Vaios off for extended periods of time? The longest mine's off for is overnight; I paid a lot of money for mine and I love music so it's always on. In response to some of your points, I think that the music info is stored on the HD anyway, my (first gen) iPod is much quicker to turn on, when the battery hasn't been run down (I can leave it paused and it will resume instantly). I'm not trying to advocate iPods by any means though. You can hear the hard drive running when the VP is switched on, and when you turn it off the hard drive spins and a message saying "Please wait" is displayed at the bottom of the screen. To me this suggests the VP is writing it's info to the HD.
Also, don't expect Sony to reply to anything on this forum, I posted an email I received a few weeks ago that said they do not monitor this forum - for more info look through the past threads. You'd be better off contacting Sony direct, and if lots of people do they may take notice.


Yes that's why I opened this Post in the first place --> after I called Sony about the problem.:smileycry:

So I this problem bothers you --> Call them :smileysmug:

And yes I love the VP and music, but in the WE I don't usualy use it as I listen MP3 using my Stereo at home and in my car. This means leaving the VP in the cradle all WE in order to have it fresh on Monday.

Badde :handshake: