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Can I pick your brains please :smileygrin:
I've had two power supplies fail on my desktop within 6 months. Getting a little pissed off now, so any general reasons that I could investigate would be cool.
Cheers guys
Hi Faith,
Do you have one of those houses where light bulbs don't seem to last long? Do other pieces of electrical equipment regularly go wrong?
Could be an unstable mains voltage supply and Thalamus's suggestion of a bit of surge protection (no comments from those of you with dirty minds please) may be good.
The other likely reasons have already come up - overheating or too low a supply for your PC.
Oh hang on are you talking about my desktop or my lungs
Hi Faith,
Do you have one of those houses where light bulbs don't seem to last long? Do other pieces of electrical equipment regularly go wrong?
Could be an unstable mains voltage supply and Thalamus's suggestion of a bit of surge protection (no comments from those of you with dirty minds please) may be good.
The other likely reasons have already come up - overheating or too low a supply for your PC.
Well I will go and buy another PSU tomorrow and see if I can get it working again, so how much would one of these surge devices cost?
I suggest getting some new fans for her too, as they cost £3 they're not going to kill you to replace.
I'd seriously think about getting something over 450W... this ain't that much and will not give enough power if you a graphics card of any note (these are the main power hogs)... I would get something more substancial (will future proof you as well)... go for something by OCZ or Thermaltake 600W... should do the trick
Thanks for your replies Kee and Chewie
My fans are gleaming at the moment Kee, but will keep it in mind
Chewie, that's very interesting, I went to my usual supplier today and they didn't have any 450w in stock so I got a 500w instead, took Thalamus's advice and got a surge protection extension lead aswell. So I'm up and running again
Next I need to think about getting a new monitor as I've been looking at a green one for months, as one of the guns has gone :smileyrolling_eyes:
Glad you're up and running again, lets hope this PSU lasts..
Faith do you go to savastore by any chance?
Faith do you go to savastore by any chance?No, I use RL Supplies in Watford