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preinstalled software - "Are you old enough to make a decision?"


preinstalled software - "Are you old enough to make a decision?"


may be you start loughing when reading this:

to me, a notebook-producer should sell "hardware and drivers" that will offer the operating system a great basis, so that additional application software will work well.

On the one hand it is ok, when the notebook-producer adds additional application software - provided that I as customer can easily decide what I am going to use or not. A clear line and signature to differ between hardware necessary drivers and additional application software is necessary.

On the other hand - for me - it is not acceptable, that a notebook-producer implements it's application software that deep into the system, that by uninstalling the software the system will work no longer. Mixing hardware necessary drivers with the application software is no good for me.

Well, if the strategy of the notebook-producers is to make us use their software-application-products I guess it won't take long until we won't be able to install 3rd partie software. In this case notebook-producers should sell us their application software and not a notebook.

As I allready ask myself who it is, that makes the decision what I am to use and to do, I think about buying a professional notebook where a clean install is still standard, so that I have the right to decide what I want to use and to do.

Am looking forward your comments and statements.


Hi :slight_smile:

I have sent you a PM.

I do see your point that you should be able to choose what is on your system.
Clean installs are possible though, just tricky particularly in the Vista environment.