Share your experience!
Hi everyone;
I have installed free ¿Zone Alarm Pro" from and had problem to access the web sites I am registered with, such as this web site!!!
I have Window XP, AOL.9, AntiVir V. 6, Ad-Aware SE and window firewall.
Despite adding the ¿third party¿ to the required web sites in Zone Alarm's ¿privacy option¿ and adjusting the security level to Medium, ZA did not let me access those sites!!
I did manage to go to hotmail though. However when I tried to open my e-mail¿s, I couldn¿t!! I was cut off and back on hotmail sign on screen again and again!!! This happened with all the web sites I tried to open except the ones from AOL search engine!
So at the end, I had to uninstalled Zone Alarm
Does any one know why this has happened? Or was there anything I should¿ve or shouldn¿t have don to make it work?:smileyconfused:
If any program want to connect the internet(like VAIOZone), then ZoneAlarm ask you if you want that the program can do this. And you must say YES. That is all.
Also don't run Windows Firewall with Zone Alarm.
Hi Seb;
Thanks for the tip, but Zone Alarm never asked me for permission to allow the web site in!!! otherwise I would've granted it.
The only permission it asked was at the beginning of putting the computer on and that was for AntiVir and AOL. That is why I found the performance quite confusing.:smileysad:
May be Kee-lo is right and the problem is from Window firewall! but I remember when I downloaded ZA, I had Window Firewall on, and there was no problem with it!!!!!!!!!!
Still confused!!!:smileycry:
Ah but they are different programs!
AOL and IE should be allowed access so double click on the ZA icon; click on program control and set IE and AOL to allow access to the internet.
Thanks Kee-lo
I will download ZA again and will do what you've suggested. If it doesn't work again, you will see me crying my eyes out more and more!!!
Thanks again