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Repair troubles - I need a laptop!


Repair troubles - I need a laptop!

Hi all,

What are your experiences with the Vaio repair centre (UK)?

Don't get me wrong, great pickup service and good people with little fuss, but I am nearing 20 days without a laptop and I cannot afford much longer.

The problem: Small constant electrical discharge from the case (Sony Vaio SZ3) when plugged into the mains; tickles the wrists, is sometimes stronger.

Sent back: Nearly 20 days ago. Tried a new power supply, didn't work. Asked me to send mine, also was faulty. Waited for a new motherboard. That didn't solve it.

Now they are waiting for new memory to test that (which is a highly unlikely cause of the fault).

It'd have made sense to me to simply replace the laptop with old stock (that I am sure they have), as I cannot wait for them to wait for the parts, try, then repeat with something else.

Anyone has something simmilar? When do they decide to give up and replace it?

When my mobile phones go wrong, they're swapped within 48 hours usually 😞

Thank you,


I imagine that they will now be closed for the long Easter weekend.

You are not alone!
As you say pick up service is fine but I bought a new AR31S in mid January this year and ive had about 4hours use with it.
It is on its 3rd visit to the repair centre with a repeated problem of the keyboard gets very warm after 2 hours use then it just starts whistling. Next the whole of the keys on the keyboard stop working unless they are held down for a second or so. Basically you cant type and i'm a one fingered typist. So it goes back to the repair centre and the same happens again after a couple of hours.
The 3rd time they picked it up was 19th Feb and they still have it!! and its now the 22nd march !!
Anyway last week I kicked up a fuss and asked to be connected to the supervisor who wasn't available but I was told they would contact me later that day which they did.
The nice lady apologised and said she would find out exactly what was going on and ring back.
She called me back within an hour and said the parts were in stock and I would get it back next week just after the Easter holiday and as a goodwill gesture i could pick a free gift from a list that she emailed me the same day.
So I'm expecting a brand new 8GB video walkman(£129.99) and my AR31S back in the next few days
I had previously been told by one of the agents that they would never send me a replacement laptop and I know of another member of this forum who has been waiting a lot longer than me.
I think the best thing you can do is keep on the phone to them and they will escalate your case.
Good luck.