Morning everyone! *yawn*
I was wondering how you can view things that you plug in to your vaio through the S-Video port?
I've connected my PS3 to my Vaio using an S-Video cable, and when I go in to Media Center to view it, I have to tell it that I'm looking for a set top box, and when I do, it finds it! Hurrah! BUT, I only get a thumbnail of whatever the PS3 is displaying. It wont let me view it properly until I can verify that I can use my Media Center remote control with it... why? Is there a way around this?
It is capable of displaying it, but I'm just not quite there.
Are there any other programs that can view things you plug in to the laptop via s-video?
Thanks in advance!
Oh, and if it helps, my lappy is a VGN-AR21M