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My Vaio S2XP Function Key options are not working. They were fine some time back but appear to have stopped working.
May be related to my installing a New User account - although it has full administrator rights ...... basicly it is the administrator account.
Is it something simple like a driver problem ....?
Any tips and advice appreciated .....
thanks .... Mart
You can find a post at e-support. I tried search, but the home-page don´t worked.
The topic are about Problems with Function Key XP SP2
The main link is :
Have a look in Vaio-Link for the utility package.
Sorted it ...... as follows ....... seems the utility was corrupted .... possibly by a a routine operating system upgrade..... theres probably a better way .... but this worked for me...
Check if Hot Key utility is working - if the system lets you - deleat it ..... it probably wasnt working properly anyway.
Reboot your machine and run Utils prog from ..... C:\utils .... reboot again ...... FN should be working.
..... G'luck