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Screen Orientation keeps switching to Portrait View on Vaio Laptop

Screen Orientation keeps switching to Portrait View on Vaio Laptop


Recently just bought an E-Series custom designed laptop from sony's website.

Works fine on the whole, however I have it set to "do nothing when I close the lid" so expect that I can just shut the lid and walk around the house with it, as I could with my previous laptop. What happens though, is when I open the lid the screen resolution setting has automatically changed to portrait (flipped) and the screen is now on it's side!! Very very annoying - especially as I have to try and negotiate my way back into the screen resolution menu and then change the orientation back to landscape using the mouse pad back to front!!

Another thing that happens, is that my screen icons on the desktop sometimes randomly change to being extra large or very very small, again automatically and without me changing anything!!

This is my first experience of a sony laptop and I have to say at the moment I have threatened customer service with, if they can't simply fix it as a software flaw with a simple setting change then I shall be returning it for a full refund.

Has anyone else experienced this happening? Any ideas on how I can get it to stop? It only happens when I shut the lid - so the obvious is not to shut the lid and walk around with it open - but that defeats the object of being able to close the lid and do just that, especially as there's a chance with the lid open, that you may hit the power button stupidly placed on the side of the laptop and put it into hibernation! (Another Gripe!)

Thanks so much, I appreciate any help any one can offer, customer services have been useless so far!