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I've been running Vaio Care, One Click Care. The programme runs for while, then hangs when it gets to Self Heal. No eror messages of any kind. Any ideas? (W7 64 bit OS)
If its hanging then there is probably a software issue somewhere
I would suggest booting into Safe Mode (hit F10 when booting up) and then uninstalling the Vaio Care programme through Control Panel / Programmes
This should do the trick and you can then reinstall again
If not post here for some more advice
OK, Thanks. Where can I reinstall it from?
You can uninstall it from Add/Remove programs.
To install it, you may need to download the installer, if you don't have it in the support site.
clwhite33 wrote:
OK, Thanks. Where can I reinstall it from?
If you give your Vaio Model, I'm sure someone will give you a link to the Downloads Page.
Solved! Zone Alarm was blocking the progress of the programme.
Fixed now and everything seems fine.
Thanks for your interest.