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Short or battery?


Short or battery?

Greetings Vaio-nites. Has any one got issues with PCGA-BP2EA battery pack? I've got an A517B and when battery charge status hits 100% charge, for at least a few hours, I shutdown,switch off the mains and un-plug. Switch the computer on, about 24 hours later, and the battery has 'lost' about 15-25% of its charge? Now I know that batteries lose some juice over a period of time but in my experience, that is a little too fast! I'm curious to know if I'm alone on this one? Or whether my machine has some sort of short? (Notebook is 2 months old)

In anticipation, Citizens.


I have this battery in an 18 month old VGN-A115Z. In the last week, the battery charging icon has been replaced by an AC power cord symbol. The battery is not being detected by the machine. I have taken it out and reinstalled it, but to no effect.
Before it 'disappeared', I did use the machine on battery power once or twice per week, but was never impressed by the length of time before the battery gave out. I hope this is just a case of needing a new battery, but it is pretty poor for an 18th month old computer that cost about £1200. I have an 8 year old Apple laptop (seldom used), which always displays the battery charging symbol whenever it is fired up.

That's fast, because I have a 3 year old battery and if I leave my GRX off for 24hrs it usually is at 96%


The battery charging icon returned this morning. After about 30 minutes, it was still on zero percent, but the battery charging light was flashing for the first time in a while. I'll leave it on all day and see what happens when I return..........


The battery light has been flashing all day, but it's still on 0%.

On the Power Meter, the battery is shown as charging, but as well as the lightning flash, it has a red cross on it. What's up?

Your battery's obviously malfunctioning