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Sometimes my Vaio is "hanging"


Sometimes my Vaio is "hanging"

So my problem is that my VP is playing music and then it suddenly stopps, but the counter is still counting forward. On the same song I have seen about 1 hour playing but nothing is reacting. I can use always one time the arrow and switch one song further and then nothing happen anymore. The one 'n' only way to get my VP back to live is the reset button on the lower side near the main plug.
New firmware is installed also the Sonic Stage and the transfer soft.

Is this normal? Don't think so. Have you any experience with that?
Need help I am getting nuts slowly but shurely.

Answers: My email in German, French or English THNX


is it the same track everytime? could be a corrupted track, does it work ok on your pc?


Mine has crash a few times and stops doing anything. I have noticed that it happens when i have setting>sound setting > AVLS ON and i fast forward through a song. It has happen on a number of different song. The only way i could fix it is to wait for the battery to die or push a pin into the the hole under the screen beside the cradle connection ( this will reset your option etc but not wipe any files)


The problem happen just suddenly at no special song. The songs are all working on the PC. Also AVLS is Off and I changed the language few times. The problem happend the first time when I changed to the new firmware.
Unfortunately I don't have the old firmeware so I can't change to check it .
If any one of you guys have it please send me the soft.


Christophe-mails with old firmware please press this link


When a friends pocket stopped outputting anything via the headphones he used the reset button but said that it put the player back to the original firmware.. so he had to re-install ver3 after the reset.. no one wil actually have the original firmware as a file as it was never released (other than on the player)



When a friends pocket stopped outputting anything via the headphones he used the reset button but said that it put the player back to the original firmware.. so he had to re-install ver3 after the reset.. no one wil actually have the original firmware as a file as it was never released (other than on the player)


Hi Matt I thought there will be no first version available. But when I press the reset button the Firmware will not be changed, it will remain on the upgrade. So in this case there is no other chance to bring it back to sony and have it fixed hopefully. Because it is doing it once a day and that drives me crazy.

But thanks anyway for anwering to every budy