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Sonicstage always Crash


Sonicstage always Crash

Hello everyone..i have a big Problem everytime i want to convert any songs to format for my VGF-AP1L my Sonicstage crash down. No error Message..Nothing! Can me anybody help...PLEASE


I did already have the update installed but i downloaded it again and upgraded it again to see if that made a difference.

I would be tempted to format my VP but, I would want want to know whether this would deffinatly solve my issue. Because i have it half full and it took me time to organise it.

If formatting is the only other option then I will have to do that..

If you have any other ideas, let me know... Cheers



Hi, unfortunately I dont know if formatting your VP will definately solve the issue. It would appear to me that the problem lies with Sonic Stage & not the player.

SS is very picky when you upgrade or change anything and although a format shouldnt always be needed its sometimes the case.

If we can get any version of SS to work, the programme will tell you that a format is required when you plug it in.

Any luck with 3.3 ?



Nope, SS 3.3 did exactly the same as 4.2. I remeber that i still had a very old version on SS, i think that it was 2.1 or something like that. So i uninstalled 3.3 and installed 2.1... and guess what........... its did exactly the same. Freaky!

Right then, I will format my VP, something that i didnt want to do but if its the last resort, then i will have to give it ago.

Before I do that I will try installing SS on another computer to see if does the same. I will post soon to let you know whether it works or not.


For my firewall settings does the SS software need inbound and outbound access?

What service does it need?

(im not much of a firewall person)


Hi there, it needs both.

Is there anyway you can set your firewall to alert you to everything that tries to go online?

SS need web access because of the DRM (digital rights management). SS goes online to authorise your music to your PC, it also needs it for the CDDB (gracenote)



Added inbound and out bound on firewall...... tried SS... Still the same.

Formated my VP.... Same problem.

Now im stuck..


When I start SS, I then went to try and run Vaio Music Transfer and it conflicts with it asking me to close them down.

When I start Vaio Music Transfer and then load SS, its does the exact same.

This is really annoying me now.


Hi, Im running out of options too Im afraid.

Have you had Vaio music transfer & SS running at the same time before? Ive not used VMT but I get the feeling it needs to be run on its own.

As a last ditch attempt it could be worth posting a question here

I know how annoying these things get, thanks to a dodgy net connection SS on my PC was out for a week trying to authorise my database after a crash. I really am stumped as to what the trouble could be, Im sorry I could not be of more help. :slight_frown:


I haven't had VMT & SS running together, but i was able to transfer tracks to my VP via VMT. Strange... Why cant i do that with SS..

I will have a look at the link you sent to see if some one is able to help me through that site.

Thanks for the help over the last week or so.. If you find another solution that i could possibly try, the PM me. Cheers again.
