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Sony Vaio FS-315m hotkeys


Sony Vaio FS-315m hotkeys

I recently bought a Sony Vaio FS-315M on
Everything is fine, and everything works... but one exception.
I never install a computer or laptop with the preinstalled OS. I backuped the drivers en utilities before formatting my laptop.

Now i can't find the hotkey utility. I also tried to download the utility-package on the sony vaio website but still it isn't in there...

Can someone help me?


Welcome to the forum, Have a look at this link here that might enlighten you as to what steps you did or didn't take to reengage your Sony utilities. Maybe try to reinstall a new set from Vaio Linkhere

Yeah sure the FN keys are HKServ.exe and HKWnd.exe in the task manager and the touchpad is Apoint.exe and ApntEx.exe


I already have formatted so I don't have the preinstalled home edition of vaio itself...

I have download the utilities from the website of sony vaio, and installed all the utilities... still it doesn't work.

But could you tell me how it is called, those FN-keys... is it "hotkeys"?

By the way, you 2nd link doesn't work 😉

Did you install the utilities in numeric sequence?

For the hotkey utility you should only need to install the Sony Utilities (Installer 1), Sony Shared Library (Installer 2) and Setting Utility Series (Installer 4).

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hoi dennis zit met hetzelfde probleem heb een vaio 215E fs versie en nou werken die verdomde keys ook niet meer... is echt balen want was dat gewend aan het worden....:smileycry: groetjes thierry

Hi Dennis , I'm having the same trouble as you are having for the moment. At first my hotkeys worked fine and now nothing anymore is terrible , maybe anybody can help us out... Mine is VGN FS215E, I have been searching for it allready all evening everywhere and reading more and more about it but couldn't find a solution untill now. grtz thierry


Yes I installed all the utilities in numeric sequence...

I just tried to reinstall 1,2 and 4 again to be sure, but still no results...

In the drivers direction, there a map called Pointing with the file Apoint.exe in... If I try to run it I get the message:

DLL could not be opened...

Isn't there another installer for the hotkeys except the ones in the utility-package?


Ok the Hotkeys do now work... don't know how it comes but they work :slight_smile:

But the pointer... it works, but normaly it should be able to change the preferences of it... like scrolling and stuff, not?
Because now I can't scroll or other options that are normaly available with your touchpad...

Thx for the help already guys!

Chances are that in Device manager, under mice and pointing devices, you have a PS/2 mouse instead of a PS/2 pointing device listed.

Install the drivers for the pointing device (pre-installed drivers > pointing), uninstall the PS/2 mouse (in device manager), reboot and let windows find and install the drivers for the touchpad.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

hoi dennis zit met hetzelfde probleem heb een vaio 215E fs versie en nou werken die verdomde keys ook niet meer... is echt balen want was dat gewend aan het worden....:smileycry:  groetjes thierry 

Hi Dennis , I'm having the same trouble as you are having for the moment. At first my hotkeys worked fine and now nothing anymore is terrible , maybe anybody can help us out... Mine is VGN FS215E, I have been searching for it allready all evening everywhere and reading more and more about it but couldn't find a solution untill now. grtz thierry

Download het utility-pakket van de website van sony, ik heb hier de link:

Installeer dan alle pakketjes achtereen... zou normaal moeten werken :slight_smile: