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sony vaio is now only the name


sony vaio is now only the name

Hi i bought sony vaio VGN-AR31E laptop.First i was really happy with sony products as i was always going for sony products and i also suggested many of friends to go for sony products,but when i saw laptops like the one from HP,they gave all those features which sony gave me for £1099/- but only for £900.not only this but they also gave a remote control with it.

next time i will go for HP products


I wouldn't say that the remote control was free, unless you can obtain a machine *without* one. Otherwise, it's part of the purchase price.

HP *do* make some knock-down machines. Dell too. My personal experience of all 3 manufacturers is that HP make some extremely unreliable, badly-designed machines (cheap manufacture, unstable hardware, frequent motherboard problems) and also make some terrible design decisions - often intended to garner an extra tick on the box, but at the cost of usability and ergonomics. Dell make rock-solid, pig-ugly machines, and have good support. Sony make more expensive machines, with more advanced technologies (seen screens as good as sony's xblack2 anywhere? when every other manufacturer were cutting back on 1920x1200 screens, sony were still knocking them out.)

I still see people regularly using Vaios from the first few generations. Find a still-working HP of that vintage, and I'll be impressed.

Feature-filled doesn't always mean good. I'd rather have 3 features well done, than 100 half-cocked features which are no use once the novelty has worn off, and can't be relied on.

The remote ain't all that. If you have a bluetooth phone, you can do more with it already... including *not* need line-of-sight to operate your machine. If it's a missing remote that's killing you, there are online suppliers/ebay who can turn them out, or you could even get a standard programmable one and record the signals from another machine.


Completely agree with you, mate :slight_smile: Sony used to manufacture excellent (though expensive) electronics and none of them were made in China...

HP laptops are really shoddy, a friend bought one a few months ago and the build quality is worse than flimsy! The display is like a steamed-up window and the fan wheezes like an asthmatic cat trying to keep the crappy CPU from meltdown!

He wants a Vaio next time...take heed! :cool:


Well, hp brand laptops are really horrible now. Even Acers are a lot more reliable ones. :laughing: I'd choose IBM anyway.