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Sony Vaio SVE1712Z1EB and this has developed unexplained hairline cracks in the case of the top of the lid

Sony Vaio SVE1712Z1EB and this has developed unexplained hairline cracks in the case of the top of the lid

I have a Sony Vaio SVE1712Z1EB and this has developed unexplained hairline cracks in the case of the top of the lid. The laptop lives on a desk and has not been dropped, not has anything been dropped on the laptop.

Sony’s response = Regrettably, physical damage is not repaired under warranty, meaning that repairing your VAIO will be chargeable. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by your experience with your VAIO casing =

The hairline cracks are not the result of physical damage

My Toshiba laptop has no such problem after five years of use. I was recommended Sony as being a better engineered computer than Toshiba – sadly that has proved to be untrue

The Sony arrived with dead pixels, which Sony also considered to be acceptable