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Sony VAIO TZ Series inspection and rework programme

Sony VAIO TZ Series inspection and rework programme

Please see the announcement from Sony below...

Dear Valued Sony VAIO Customer,

Sony takes pride in the quality of its products. Recently, we became aware of a potential issue affecting the following notebook PC models, which have been available for purchase in Europe since June 2007:

* All model numbers beginning "VGN TZ1" (e.g. VGN-TZ11XN/B)
* All model numbers beginning "VGN TZ2" (e.g. VGN-TZ21WN/B)
* Certain model numbers beginning "VGN TZ3" (e.g. VGN-TZ31VN/R)

The issue involves a limited number of units that, in rare cases, may generate heat around the DC jack inlet and frame of LCD screen, which creates the potential of deformation of the plastic casing.

As part of our ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction, and as a precaution, Sony is voluntarily initiating a programme to perform a free inspection and, if necessary, a rework to ensure these units meet our high quality standards.

We encourage you to check whether your VAIO TZ notebook is subject to the voluntary inspection and rework programme, and to let us know if you would like to request an inspection where applicable.

There are two ways to do this:

* Via our dedicated website: click here
* Via our dedicated freephone hotline: click here

For those customers owning a VAIO notebook that are subject to the voluntary inspection and rework programme, Sony will arrange to collect the notebook, inspect and, where applicable, rework it, free of charge. This inspection and rework programme is being managed directly from our VAIO Support Team, so please do not return your VAIO to the retailer or dealer.

We take the quality of the products we sell very seriously and make every effort to ensure that the products we develop meet all relevant regulations and standards. We sincerely apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.

We thank you again for your continued use of our VAIO product.

Your VAIO Support Team


I think this should be sticked, may people are still not aware of that

This is an sticky announcement thread... :thinking: :thinking:


I ahve had the same experience as you. I have a Vaio TZ and was told that it would be best checked and repaired if necessary. I was also asked to disable the windows password to allow the technician to access the computer but I don't know why he would want to do that if it is only a hardware (wiring) problem.

Waiting for the phone call from DHL...........

I was also asked to disable the windows password to allow the technician to access the computer but I don't know why he would want to do that if it is only a hardware (wiring) problem.

Possibly to allow the technician access to system files etc..


I bought my TZ 3 weeks ago, why should I send it it for repair and let someone else open it and put a soldering iron to it if nessecary if i'm not even allowed to open it to swap the hard drive myself without voiding the warranty, I wanted the 64GB SSD Model but no one had it in stock at the time and they still don't.

Bottom line is I sent a few things to different manufacturers for repair and they come back with a few marks/scratches and what not, even sony's replacement PSP's have scratches on the screen, when this laptop is opened by the technitian their hands are probably not washed and clean from dirt, there work area is not clean, and well they will probably put a screwdriver to the tabs covering the screws on the laptop so it will get a few dents around that area, as well as grease makrs on the case, fingerprint marls on the screen, why should I have to put up with that?

I don't want no one putting their grubby hands on my laptop I purchashed less 3 weeks ago, so what are sony going to do about it?, how would they expect someone else to feel if they found out their recently purchased laptop has to be opened up to check if it suffers from an electrical defect which could lead it to catching fire and melting.

What are Sony going to do for me?, they charge somuch more comapred to their competers but for what?

Looks like they have done a first class job!

Well done Sony.

:smileygrin: :smileygrin:


How long did it take altogether?, also I don' want them cleaning my laptop, it is already clean, I don't want them touching it altogether!!!, leave my screen alone!... also I can claim via the saled of goods act up to 6 years after i bought the item, just have to prove the item was faulty when bought, which it was hence why sony want to inspect it...

So people let me tell you that I got my Notebook back and I am completely happy. They did a great job, actually I do not know what they did but the DHL guy came around 12:30 with a huge packet and when I opened it, it was full will cushioning things and they gave me a SONY MICRO VAULT 2 GB and a Blue VAIO MicroFibre Cloth and addiionally a letter of apology but unfortunately in French, what I do not understand. But I translated it in Google.

They even tested all the hardware on the computer and everything is okay.

The laptop was purely cleaned , probably with air and the screen looked so clean almost like new. No scratches no fingerprints. Everything just perfect. I noticed that my laptop does not run hot anymore and is much cooler now. But I do not know if this is what they made or am I just imagining this.

Thanks for posting your TZ experience SamerDubai, I'm sure it will be of comfort to other TZ owners..

It always good to read of someones positive experiences and just to let you know I have forwarded you comments on to Sony..


Small child?, i am just looking after my equipment, laptop has a 3 year warranty, so no matter what they have to fix it in 3 years, i am from uk not gerany, the laws here are on the consumer sider on reseller/manufacturer, anyway i sent an email to the place of purchase that i was not happy, why should i have my laptop opened up within first 30 days of purchase to check something that was their faulty when i cannot open it to swap the crappy hard drive they put in their?, answer me that?, sure if they supplied and fitted an ssd in the process for free then I may send it in..