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Sony Vaio TZ Unfit For Purpose...


Sony Vaio TZ Unfit For Purpose...

I've had it with my two TZs, must have spent 100 hours tinkering with the OSs, rebuilding, testing etc etc, to try and get this to work.

I have come to one conclusion; the TZ series is unfit for purpose. This means that the product is being sold under false pretences.

WWAN doesn't work with Orange (fine with Voda and T-Mob)
WLAN doesn't recover after hybernate or StanBy
BlueTooth too intrusive and will not hold a connection (ie mouse)
CD/DVD drive doesn't recover after Power Saving mode is activated

Even if you stick to the Virus filled Vista, its still unusable.

Even anyone out there wants to buy 2 TZs both about 3 months old, post and email on this thread and we can negotiate a price. In the meantime I am going to buy a proper portable.

Any suggestions, new Samsung?



I am having my TZ for 5 month now. I read your post and I have to tell you that I did not encounter even ONE of your problems mentioned above.
Try to turn off the VAIO Power Management completely and your problems will vanish (at least some of them)

You mean uninstall Vaio Power Managment? Is this what you have done or is this a suggestion?

Have you seen the Asus U6S?



I am having my TZ for 5 month now. I read your post and I have to tell you that I did not encounter even ONE of your problems mentioned above.
Try to turn off the VAIO Power Management completely and your problems will vanish (at least some of them)

Just tried it...makes no diffrence...the Wifi connection connects...but then is unable to communicate until I restart the PC.

Are you using Shista or XP?

I would send it back to Sony, but seeing the reports on "customer service" I'd have more luck with a one footed Brazilian Macac...


While the tz does has its problems, i wouldn't clas it as totally unfit but unfit for someone who is new to computers, or to a non computer techie, i.e with all the bloatware installed anyone who is not a computer wizz would find this laptop unusable..

I have got my laptop working ok though, using vista never experienced the wifi issue you have, I am pretty knowledable when it comes to standby/hibernate, use to build media center pc's, am running vista quite well on my tz, connects pretty much straight away to my wifi network when coming out of standby, using the intel 4965agn card, with an apple airport extreme and time capsule tested at both 54mb/s wireless G and 300mb/s wireless N works great, no probs at all.

There could be a number of reasons your laptop has problems, what modle do you have, and what model is your wifi card, you could try getting the latest drivers from whoever makes it, eg.. intel/atheros, not from sony, latest bios/patches form sony, also if your laptop shiped with vista then put it back on, as it was fully tested with it not xp, get all the windows service packs/updates, also when you put vista back on contact me and I will tell you how to configure the sleep options...

If your laptop is not working as it should then your entitled to a repair if its between 6-12 months old or refund/replacement if its under 6 months according to the sales of goods act, if you live in the uk that is..., am pretty sure the product being unfit is falls under that category, do some research on th sales of goods act, write down the problems with your latop why it is unfit and take it to the store of purchase..


While the tz does has its problems, i wouldn't clas it as totally unfit but unfit for someone who is new to computers, or to a non computer techie, i.e with all the bloatware installed anyone who is not a computer wizz would find this laptop unusable..

The Bloatware costs money...this laptop is designed and meant to be used in a portable with the 3G many people (if not most)...have "data limited" eg 30MB per day free, then £1.00 per MB...the Bloatware costs money for services yoou don't need...and worse of all Google, Sony et al...make money on this reselling your information...pretty low...

I have got my laptop working ok though, using vista never experienced the wifi issue you have, I am pretty knowledable when it comes to standby/hibernate, use to build media center pc's, am running vista quite well on my tz, connects pretty much straight away to my wifi network when coming out of standby, using the intel 4965agn card, with an apple airport extreme and time capsule tested at both 54mb/s wireless G and 300mb/s wireless N works great, no probs at all.

I'm happy for you, I had two TZs, both with the same I just sold one and I'm waiting for the Asus U6 to arrive before I sell the next...

There could be a number of reasons your laptop has problems, what modle do you have, and what model is your wifi card, you could try getting the latest drivers from whoever makes it, eg.. intel/atheros, not from sony, latest bios/patches form sony, also if your laptop shiped with vista then put it back on, as it was fully tested with it not xp, get all the windows service packs/updates, also when you put vista back on contact me and I will tell you how to configure the sleep options...

No...absolutely not...I point blank refuse to spend hours updating drivers etc etc on a product that costs £500-600 pounds above its nearest should just work...if not it goes in the bin...

We "the consumers" are much to happy buying rubbish, and then just making do...this is a poorly made laptop...with dreadful support...and it doesn't work as specified on the box...

If your laptop is not working as it should then your entitled to a repair if its between 6-12 months old or refund/replacement if its under 6 months according to the sales of goods act, if you live in the uk that is..., am pretty sure the product being unfit is falls under that category, do some research on th sales of goods act, write down the problems with your latop why it is unfit and take it to the store of purchase..

You are absolutely right...unfortunately the sheer amount of time it would take me to do all this is going to cost me more in working hours lost than the laptop is worth...eBay it is then...

I completely agree, when you buy something, whatever you pay for.. a car, a washing machine, a home security system,computer, IT SHOULD WORK PERFECTLY from date you buy it, simple as that. Sales and Service standards have fallen dramatically over recent years, sadly I agree with how you feel.