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Hello, dear Sony
Since tree years i bought a Sony VAIO it was good computer without problems it all worked propertly. I think the model which i bougth was one of the first made Sony laptop but i trusted Sony very well because in all over the world it is advertised as company making reliable products. But now i see that Sony is just like one of all other companies that are trying to sell their product and they do not really care of their costumer. And what is the problem whit me?
My Sony VAIO had broken and the problem was with laptop's video card. I found in Sony website that Sony does the warranty for the broken video cards accurate on my Sony VAIO model.
Then my brother does a lot of things trying to contact Sony VAIO but it seems that they are trying to avoid resolving costumer's problems because it is so hard to find simple e-mail address or other freebie way for consulting with the Sony.
After week somehow Sony reached us. They called from Greece pleased to inform about our problem and they turned us to contact with Iran or Kazachstan services we felt deeply depressed about that. Asked where is our country. After week Mr. Tamer Zedan called us from France. Mr. Tamer Zedan was very sweet and was trying to help us but he reached the main manager and said that our country do not enters the Sony VAIO pick up zones.
So we decided not to use Sony services because of the taxes for logistics which are five times bigger than costs my computer nowadays.
In conclusion i'd like to tell that i do not have any claims to Sony staff that tried to help us. But i have claims not the claims i'm very disapointed of the Sony corporation. Sony sees that Baltic countries are not so important to them like for example Germany or France.
So i left without computer without all the data files, bought various programs, photos with memories but Sony left me very deep disapointment of Sony Corporation. So i'm going to inform other people that they might have some problems after buying Sony product when Sony will have to show company's responsibility for made failures.