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my sony viao laptop does not work at all on battery, I have to use the AC power, I even baught a new battery for it got someone else to charge it and it does not work. It wont even charge batteries.
Please help....
Hi Skydyer,
Has it ever worked on battery?
What model Vaio do you have?
Have you made any changes which may have caused this to happen?
Failing that, it is probably a hardware connection problem. Have a look in the battery bay for a damaged connector, If this is OK you will have to contact Vaio-Link for a repair.
Is the Vaio still in the warranty period?
Yes it worked once on Battery but only for charge of battery.
Now it will not work even with charged battery.
It does work on mains ac power but will not switch on with battery attached. Laptop powered by mains works normally
I have two batteries both work on similar models
Connections at back look ok and i have been told there is some power output
Model VGN-FS115Z 230Volt
Please indicate if any online diagnosis can occur or Software or Driver reload can be done on Power to batteries or power scheme change
Finally what is minimum cost i could face if i go to repair station as it is not in warranty
Its great otherwise things are hard i am on call up with military in reconstruction and human rights team in iraq
Jonathan Dyer
Rule of Law Adviser
Basra Iraq
Hi Jonathan,
I suppose it will depend on what the problem is. Could be as simple as a faulty connection.
As it is out of warranty, Sony will quote you for the worst case scenario and refund if it costs less. The best course of action may be to take it to an independent repairer when you are next back in the UK (hope it's soon!) and they will give you an estimate after inspecting it.
There are several such repairers specialising in Vaio repairs.
Keep Safe !!!
can you recomend one in Aldershot, Gilford, Farnem please.
Thank you,
LOL I am a plonker