Share your experience!
Hi everyone,
Here is my problem, i upgraded my SZ1 to vista and noticed a new bios was released by sony to fix the "always charging" battery problem (wich btw already cost me one battery).
But when i downloaded and tried to install the R0092N0 bios update i got this error :
Running Winphlash directly from the extracted data returns me another error:
"PartID of system BIOS ans new image file are different (system= ,file=VAION)
The system platform may be different from the image file. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
"Bios update failed, image file is either not valid or is damaged. BIOS image verification failed. Error code:-149"
I downloaded the image from various locations and i'm pretty sure the file is not damaged, HELP !!!
Provided you have the winrar shell installed this will work:
Right-click on the extracted file "R0092N0.exe"
There should be "Extract To R0092N0\"
Click this and in the new folder "R0092N0" run the file "WBFlash.exe"
I get the same message "impossible to read system informations"
Just must be a bad file on sony/phoenix's part. Might be worth metioning it to sony through e-support.
I get the same problem with every version of the bios i try to install including the R0083N0
anyone with the same problem and maybe a solution ?