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TV problems on VGC VA1


TV problems on VGC VA1

Hi, I recently had problems downloading windows service pack 3 and had to abort. Since then I haven't been able to watch live tv in media centre. I can watch previously recorded tv but when I click on live tv, nothing happens. I also get a notice saying 'unable to open messenger' although that started happening before the failed download.

Does anyone know how to solve this please? I've looked on many help topics but can't find anything to match my problem.


Hi petlover and welcome to the forum.

Firstly have you tried adjusting/reconfiguring settings in media centre?
For example, Settings > TV > Scan for more Services.

If that has no effect I suggest you roll back the SP3 installation – have a look HERE .

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Hi Rich, thanks for the welcome and suggestions.

I have tried adjusting the settings etc but that didn't work I'm afraid. I was hoping that when SP3 finally installed properly it would go back to normal (wishful thinking -I hate computers when they won't do what I tell them to do :smileygrin: )

I'll have a look at the link and see if that helps.

Hi petlover and welcome to the forum.

Firstly have you tried adjusting/reconfiguring settings in media centre?
For example, Settings > TV > Scan for more Services.

If that has no effect I suggest you roll back the SP3 installation – have a look HERE .


have the same model as you and also seem to have various probs since downloaded SP3. printer doesnt print web pages, cannot open messenger ( i thought this was because i have set it to not start up upon opening windows?) I can view live tv however. need to also ask if you have tried to purchase another TV tuner card so you can watch live tv but records something else. mine doesnt! nightmare!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck petlover.

I hope that uninstalling SP3 solves the problem.

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Hi Rich,

Have now rolled back SP3 but no luck on the tv issue I'm afraid.

Just had a thought and wondered if you knew if it would work as I don't want to make matters worse. Do you think I would be able to uninstall media centre and then download it again from club vaio site?

Thanks for your help.

Hi petlover,

Unfortunately Media Centre is a Windows module and therefore not available for download from Vaio.

Also, as far as I am aware, this is not downloadable from Microsoft either, although I am more that happy to be corrected on this...

As this is would appear to be a Microsoft problem I suggest that you contact their support facility .

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Hi Rich,

I've been trying all sorts of things to find out how to get this running properly again and I found that, if you're running pre-installed windows xp on a vaio (which mine is), you can install media centre onto other vaio's from a link on vaio in programs. You download it onto your computer and can then record it onto cd to install on other vaio's. As it's already installed on my computer I can't download it on here.

I'll have a more detailed look at the instructions as I think it's possible it would work but I don't want to uninstall unless I know it will work.

I have had communication with Microsoft advisors but they haven't come back with an answer yet.

Hi petlover,

do you mean Vaio media or Windows media center.. :thinking:

do you mean Vaio media or Windows media center.. confused

Hmm, I have a feeling that Thalamus has identified that we may be talking at cross purposes here...

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