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Vaio C1Z/B and memory upgrade


Vaio C1Z/B and memory upgrade

Hi all,

This is my first post, though have piggybacked on another post here on a past question. For this particular model, I did my research on the chipset installed (which is a Mobile Intel 945PM Express) and based on the Intel website, the chipset supports up to 4GB DDR2 667MHz RAM. I tried verify this with the Vaio eSupport, but all they kept giving me was that the support they give is only for the advertised configuration. They "did not test" any other configuration, which also rules out any options for hard drive or CPU upgrades.

Anyway, have decided to take a risk and bought a couple of 2GB DDR2 modules on eBay, freed one slot (that had a 1GB DDR2 module - both slots hold 1GB each currently) and replaced it with one 2GB module, giving the laptop a total of 3GB, and see if I get any issues.

Booted and went in the BIOS first to see if the added memory is reported, and it is showing 3072MB of installed memory. When I restarted and let it boot to Windows, I got a blue screen that states "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer." And the technical information that was shown was:

STOP: 0x0000008E (0x00000005m 0x805BB67F, 0xB8C8FC64, 0x00000000)

Does this mean then that even though the chipset "should" support 4GB, the BIOS installed (and configured by Sony I guess) will not support it? Any and all help is appreciated. In the meantime, I've removed the 2GB module and replaced it with the 1Gb module, so the laptop is back to the 2GB memory configuration.

By the way, this is my first Vaio laptop ever, and Vaios are really great laptops!

Thanks in advance.


is anyone able to assist?