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Vaio downgrade help..

Vaio downgrade help..

Hi everyone!

I bought a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ21M (Belgium, Europe) at Sony Center (Ghent).
I soon had enough of all the Sony/Vaio B*llshit (no offence..) Add-ons installed on the laptop, and I'd like to get rid of Vista as well. I get the feeling my laptop isn't running accordingly (I think I removed too much vaio things :p) and I'd like to install XP, as clean as possible.
I have a problem though: I lost my recovery DVD's and can't start with recovering my vista... (It's required to use the recovery DVD's to install XP, right?
I don't have any experience with laptops, only with desktops.
I can't find any drivers for my type of laptop (VGN-FZ21M)on the vaio website.
Can anyone help me?

Thanks a lot!