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Vaio Update software doesn't work


Vaio Update software doesn't work

My "VAIO Update 2" software doesn't work, never did, it keeps saying "The server could not be accessed. Please try again".

Right now I have it disabled and I downloaded latest drivers manually. I would welcome any hint how to make it work, thanks!



No wonder you can't find the option then.....There is no reason to install a diffrent version of windows xp. You can remove everything you dont want on the laptop. Anyway since you installed you own version of xp I wont be able to help you. Neither does sony.

good luck


I don't get the point "Sony won't be able to help". Can I ask what is the VAIO UPDATE software actually doing?

I assumed it would be a software that automatically checks for updates for VAIO specific management software and drivers. After my fresh install of Windows XP Pro English on my lovely little notebook (had a german version before, yuck), I installed all drivers and some applications that came with the original installation. I am much more happy with that installation now, would have been handy if the computer automatically checks for updates of Sony VAIO specific software. On the other side if it's not possible to configure the update tool (or if it won't provide anything for the apps/drivers I installed from the restore DVD) then I can of course check for updates manually.


No wonder you can't find the option then.....There is no reason to install a diffrent version of windows xp. You can remove everything you dont want on the laptop. Anyway since you installed you own version of xp I wont be able to help you. Neither does sony.

good luck

I assume your having a laugh, or you don't actually OWN a vaio.

The Norton trial software, and all it's asscioated junk fails to uninstall, and leaves your laptop in a broken state. I assume this is intentional, so people keep Norton on their laptops, and Sony make money from the knock-on product tie-ins that nobody wants.

My laptop was delivered in a SHOCKING state, the system tray took up 30% of the task bar, there is so much useless crap installed. Do I really need a "Memory Stick Formatter"? Whatever happened to using Windows Explorer. Do I really need the useless SonicStage, when Windows Media Player does a much better job. Do I really need all the crap that expires in 30 -90 days, unless I pay more money?

Any power user, is basically FORCED to wipe the laptop and start again.

No wonder you can't find the option then.....There is no reason to install a diffrent version of windows xp. You can remove everything you dont want on the laptop. Anyway since you installed you own version of xp I wont be able to help you. Neither does sony.

good luck

I assume your having a laugh, or you don't actually OWN a vaio.

The Norton trial software, and all it's asscioated junk fails to uninstall, and leaves your laptop in a broken state. I assume this is intentional, so people keep Norton on their laptops, and Sony make money from the knock-on product tie-ins that nobody wants.

My laptop was delivered in a SHOCKING state, the system tray took up 30% of the task bar, there is so much useless crap installed. Do I really need a "Memory Stick Formatter"? Whatever happened to using Windows Explorer. Do I really need the useless SonicStage, when Windows Media Player does a much better job. Do I really need all the crap that expires in 30 -90 days, unless I pay more money?

Any power user, is basically FORCED to wipe the laptop and start again.

Guess you never heard of Norton removal software......if you take a little more efford you can remove everything you don't want. I don't have anything installed what I don't want. No trails and also no trials on my laptop....

Instead of complaining try to think of WHY sony gives you software. Imagine if you would have to buy all the software. I think it's great Sony does this, although some software is rediculous ofcourse. It's a waste of time and actually also money since you pay for windows to install your own version. Besides that Sony can't help you then anymore.


Well I have tried your solution but everything is fine there :slight_smile: Vaio-link opens without telling me I'm not connected to the Internet :

LOL, you need to Norton hack to get rid of their own software..

Sony don't GIVE you anything, they force lots of poor quality, resourcehungry trialware on you, that you need to pay for after 3 months...

That's not GIVING...

If you can get rid of Norton AV, and it's related junk, you can get Microsoft Anti-Spyware for free, and Avast! for free (personal use only).

And yes, I had heard of norton's tool, but the time it takes to remove all the Vaio pre-loaded junk, and the fact most of the uninstallers leave stuff hanging around, means it's quicker and better to format and install from scratch.

Has it never occured to Sony WHY so many people reformat their laptops the moment they receive them... The preloaded crap that nobody wants. That's why...

Has it never occured to Sony WHY so many people reformat their laptops the moment they receive them... The preloaded crap that nobody wants. That's why...

Because they are stupid and have no knowledhe about removing software and installing software....duhhhhhh...but seriously did you make a poll or something counting the people. Don't talk about things if you are just guessing.....give me the figures if you knew so perfectly well what sony custumers like.

Stupid remark about needing to hack norton to get rid of their software is based on nothing. Even you amdmit there is a program wich irronically Norton provides.

And another small detail wich you forgot. Buying the preinstalled software sony provides is cheaper then buy it new at the store.....Another fact buying your so called "clean" install of windows XP prof will cost you a lot of money unless you are doing it illigal wich will give you problems installing updates for with you need cracks and so on....And dont forget you DID pay for windows XP you are trowing away your money

Next time spend more time investigating and thinking before you start talking....Any Power user knows how to remove undesired software. To bad you obviously don't belong to that group.

knowledge beats lazy

P.S. nutter_bg happy it helped you out.


The point is that it didn't help :slight_frown: vaio update still says that the server is unavailable or something like that, but in vaio-link it just loads the page and that's it, any other ideas why it doesn't work :slight_smile:

Even the Norton cleaning tool does not fully remove Norton/Symantec stuf. LiveUpdate still says there are installed components, and will not let you remove it.

Most of the other useles stuff does not uninstall cleanly (SonicStage and Yahoo IM being examples).

The only way to get a system free of this crap, is to reformat and start from scratch.

As for cost, I don't need (or want) Microsoft Office, so the trial version can go. OpenOffice does just nicely and costs NOTHING. I don't want Norton Antivrus, so the trial version can go, Norton totally kills system performance, and costs money after 3 months. Avast and MS Anti-Spyware are better free alternatives.

I don't think Sony have much ground to say they don't support clean XP installations, they don't even support their own installations. (I have a open ticket about buggy NVidia drivers, that has been open nearly a year. I will bet money as soon as the warrenty runs out, the ticket will be closed).

Sony Support is a total shambles. I have gotten better support from PC World, which is saying something!!


 Can I ask what is the VAIO UPDATE software actually doing?
