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Vaio VGN-NR10E - Very strange Battery problem HELP!


Vaio VGN-NR10E - Very strange Battery problem HELP!

Hi guys,

I have the strangest problem with my Vaio.

When the battery is plugged in, nothing works. No power up. Zero. Hit the power button as many times as you want and nothing happens at all. This is with AC in too.

As soon as I remove the battery, the laptop goes back to normal with no problems at all. Runs as usual.

Would this be the battery or something more serious?

Please help guys this is driving me insane!

Thanks in advance.


Hi Markdowding and welcome.

It could be many things. I assume you have already tried cleaning the battery connection terminals and ruled out a bad connection.

The likely causes are: -

A faulty battery
A Powerboard or Motherboard switching fault

I would look to the battery first as it would be cheaper. Do you know anyone with the same battery so you could borrow it? Alternatively, you could try taking your Vaio to a store and ask to borrow a battery for a few minutes.
