I want to configure and purchase an S series laptop on sony.co.uk. The problem is, I'm from Russia. But I have a friend of mine who lives in the UK so I can have this laptop delivered to him.
I've read this information: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/Taxes/BeginnersGuideToTax/VAT/DG_190920. It states that in order to be able to receive VAT refund I need to "show customs officials the goods, your receipts for them and a completed VAT refund document when you leave the EU". I guess my friend will have the first and second items once the laptop is delivered to him 
But what about the VAT refund document? I wasn't able to find anything about VAT apart from the Sony's VAT refund Christmas offer. Can I get this document if I purchase with Sony?
Since I have never done this before I would appreciate any information and advise. Thank you.