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VCR connected to XL100


VCR connected to XL100


I bought a XL100, and it works great.
I still have an issue: i'd like to connect my VCR to the XL100 in order to watch it from MCE and eventually record my tapes as files and discard the old vcr.
I connected it via s-video (front and rear), but I can't find a way to see the video.

Do I have to set up something in wondows or MCE to get the video? Do I have to use a software for video acquisition?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Hi Guillaume,

I've had my XL100 for only 3 weeks & it's already away to get repaired, but that's another story..........

I specifically wanted to import video from my VCR onto the hard drive & eventually found out how to do it.

Connect your VCR via component video & audio at the front (or at the back if you are not using those inputs for your cable TV as I am). I found that S-Video gave me a black & white image. Use Windows Movie Maker to capture the analog video. I was successful with this up to a point- I couldn't see anything in the preview pane whilst capturing. But on playback the video was captured. Once captured MCE identifies it & you can watch it there.

Anyone know how I can enable the preview pane in Movie Maker? My workaround was to connect the VCR directly to my LCD TV also & use PIP to see what I'm capturing.! :cool:


Thank you for your answer.

What you explained worked for me: I can capture using Windows Movie maker.
But configuration is tedious: sometimes, I don't have any sound, sometimes there is no video...

I would be very happy to find a way to get MCE to recognize and use the analog input.
When i configure my TV signals as coming from a terminal (cable or satellite), MCE presents a window of composite input with image and sound. But then I can't use TV signals... Having both would be great!

If anyone has an idea, thanks in advance.


I have tried to connect my satallite via both video and audio inputs on the front and rear and can not get a picture via the media center tuner, is there any outher place to view these inputs, i have been trying for two weeks. Any help would be greatful.
