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VGN AR71S High pitch sound


VGN AR71S High pitch sound

Hello there
I am a newbie here. I have got my new Sony VGN AR71S about 3 weeks ago. However, I have two worries about it one is about this NVidia Ge Force 8600M GT GPU graphics card, as I heard they may be faulty and the other is the high pitch sound that I have every now and again that comes from my laptop. It just appears out of the blue usually but a few times it happened after I banged my leg to the desk's leg or if I have accidentally dropped my pen near the laptop. Sometimes when I move the screen slightly the sound goes away but I was just wondering whether any of you are expriencing the same thing and whether it means my computer is faulty or whether it is just how they are. :thinking:
I am looking forward to hearing from you,


Hello gunverdi and welcome to Club VAIO.

Unfortunately I have not a solution ready for you, but your question raised my interest, as I have a similar "feature" on my AR31S. So I'm interested too, if there is a solution to that. However my VAIO is out of warranty :slight_frown:
The high pitched sound does occur from time to time. It changes intensity when I toggle the brightness up and down and is completely gone at the lowest and maximum brightness (so that's where I keep it).
Also I noticed that the sound disappears and reappears when you slightly push against the illuminated VAIO-logo below the screen.
What I have not tried yet is to switch off the logo-lamp permanently to see if it's caused by that.


hello Stone
You are totally right as when I touch to that illuminated bit it starts on mine as well. I am worried that it may be linked to the faulty Nvidia card, I may be wrong and it may be due to something completely different but what I know is I am feeling uneasy and unhappy about it. I bought this computer to write my PhD thesis about 3 weeks ago and heard about the faulty card later and as you can imagine it just took the polish off. I am starting to feel I made a bad decision. My previous lap top was Sony and I was extremely happy with it and the only reason why I changed it was because it was getting too slow and with a tiny RAM it was not letting me do the multitasking that I need when writing my thesis. If yours also have something like that I wonder whether there are others or whether we are in the unlucky group or whether this sound is normal albeit so annoying!


if you see the same effects as I have on mine then it is unlikely to be the graphic card, as my older AR has not one of the NVidia cards in question.
My VAIO is running very good apart from the annoying noise from time to time and as I have mentioned it's completely gone when the brightness is set to max. For me it sounds like a plastic plate or foil is vibrating very fast, creating this sound and when I push the logo it disappears, like there is some gap bigger than it should be in the display housing.
For the NVidia Card: SONY is keeping a good eye on the issue, but so far, as I know, there is no official statement that these cards cause any troubles in VAIO computers.
I can understand that you are a bit nervous and if you feel uneasy about your VAIO it's probably the best if you contact the support and ask them your questions....unless someone comes up with a solution here.
Make sure your contact details are correct in your Club Vaio profile.