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VGN-CR42S audio speakers and mic problem.

VGN-CR42S audio speakers and mic problem.

Hi, hope someone can help with this rather frustrating problem.

A few days ago i decided to try upgrading my vaio (VGN-CR42S/B) to windows 7, i of course first checked the support section for the correct model and checked for reccomendations etc.

After doing that i listened to some music, and checked that everything that should be was working correctly.  The problem was after upgrading i noticed a lot of things didnt work, so i managed to get all the needed drivers and found it was all fine except the audio (internal speakers and internal mic) wouldnt work.  I have tried all of the obvious sites for drivers but found nothing that would work.  So i decided to recover my laptop and put all the original drivers and OS back to normal.  Now annoyingly the audio still will not work i get a sort of crack/pop noise when the speakers should be producing sound.

Im confident it must be a driver issue but just nothing seems to fix it.

I have tried emailing Vaio Support but even the support form doesnt work for me.

Hopefully someone here knows of the correct order for some drivers or something similiar to fix this problem.

Many thanks in advance and for reading all of my ramblings lol!